Yusuf Umrethwala | Scribes of Power: Analyzing the role and influence of scribes in Fatimid Cairo through a draft petition from the Cairo Geniza

Oct 10, 2023, 12:00 pm1:30 pm
Scheide Caldwell 209


Event Description

Comparative Diplomatics is an exploratory workshop on documents in late antiquity and the middle ages with occasional forays into the modern era, as distinct from narrative and normative long-form texts. Its goal is twofold: to stimulate the production of new translations of late antique and medieval documentary sources that can be used in the classroom, and/or harvest some of the translations already being made; and to bring languages, subfields and approaches into contact in order to clarify methodological questions.

We hope to consider documents as objects in time and space — to understand them not just as a dematerialized set of words, but as scribal products, as representatives of a diplomatic tradition, as legal, administrative or financial instruments, as objects of institutional preservation or discard, and as the focus of scholarly examination. In short, we are interested in each document’s lifecycle, from the moment of its production to the present.

Each presenter will translate an unpublished document or retranslate a previously published document that needs fresh examination, and roughly one week ahead of time, provide the group with an edition, a translation and an image of the original.

To receive the image(s), edition(s), and translation(s) of the document(s) to be discussed, sign up here.


Conveners: Tom Conlan (EAS/History), Helmut Reimitz (History), Marina Rustow (NES/History)

Coordinators: Lucia Waldschuetz (History), Stephanie Luescher (NES).